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upgrel: 2.03.21-2, remove deprecated lvmetad

nfg requested to merge nfg/lvm2:master into master

Hi @Obarun,

I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to this, but I was prompted by this question on the forums to explore the rebuild further.

Since lvmetad is really fully deprecated, I removed all references to it in the PKGBUILD, including the second set of configuration options. I also removed lvm2_hook, as it too is no longer necessary.

In lvm2_install, I added back add_binary 'dmsetup' and add_binary 'lvm' to fix this issue.

I also tried to resurrect the lvm2.install file to ask users to remove lvm2 (from the initcpio hooks directory) and the older 69-dm-lvmetad.rules, though I don't think I put the install=lvm2.install in the right place for it to work properly.

The package builds & installs correctly for me, and I no longer need to add anything to the BINARIES section of my mkinitcpio.conf file to boot my encrypted lvm local machine correctly.

Let me know how you would like to proceed.

Best, Paul

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