Eric Vidal authoredEric Vidal authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
NEWS 2.00 KiB
Changelog for obarun-install-themes
In 0.2.2
- remove installation of obnews package
In 0.2.1
- Configure the .xsession
- Pass through 66-env to configure services
- Add SyncFirst at pacman.conf
In 0.2.0
- Bugs fix
- Pass to oblog
- Package name fix
- Replace hexchat by pidgin
- Pass to obsysusers
- Pass to materia-gtk-theme
- Pass to new service as module type
- Reorganize 66 trees
In 0.1.8
- Hot fix: fix boot-user modules installation
In 0.1.7
- Bug fix: rofi menu
- Convenient update
- Use new version of obarun-install
In 0.1.6
- Convenient update
- Use new version of 66(
In 0.1.5
- Xfce and Plasma start X server with sddm
- Implement UEFI
- Start a user scandir by defautl on JWM,Openbox,Xfce4 and plasma flavour
- Add new repo at pacman.conf file
In 0.1.4
- Plasma theme is now maintained by jean-michel
- Pacman.conf use new obarun repositories(obcore,obextra,observice)
In 0.1.1
- Bugs fix
- Add creation of well-know user directories
- Add gvfs gvfs-smb
In 0.1.0
- Replace gksu by own script
- Replace gmrun by rofi
- Add a screenlocker
- Remove cgmanager service
- Add new wallpapers
- Create "well-know" user directories
In 0.0.9
- Bugs fix
- Add consolekit,ntpd,cgmanager as services
- Replace libsynaptics by xf86-input-synaptics
- Fix networkmanager configuration file
In 0.0.8
- Add sddm-s6serv service for plasma and xfce template
- Remove gtk-engine-aurora
- Add gksu package for jwm and openbox templates
In 0.0.7
- Pass to Arc-Darker themes
- Add polkit-gnome agent at startup
- Add xf86-video-intel as driver
- Replace obmenu-generator by archlinux-xdg-menu
- Add minimal template
- Change wheel group permissions : Deny sudo command without password
- Add libbsd for Mac compatibility