Eric Vidal authoredEric Vidal authored
Welcome to Obarun ! It's not a distro, but a build concept. It's based on archlinux but with a lot of changes. Only available for x86_64 architecture You can install Obarun following this wiki page : https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=installation Enjoy it :) LOGIN AND PASSWORD ------------------ root login : root user login : oblive root password : toor obarun password : toor HOTKEYS ON JWM DESKTOP ---------------------- ALT+SPACE to launch rofi ALT+F2 to display the jwm root menu Right mouse button on the clock to see the calendar Windows tiling can be made with the CTRL+ALT up,down,right and left keyboard key. ALT+right/left to go to next previous desktop. FUTHERS INFORMATIONS AND CONTACTS --------------------------------- We have a site : https://obarun.org. We have a git : https://framagit.org/Obarun We have a organization for packages maintenance : https://framagit.org/obarun-pkgbuild We have a forum : https://forum.obarun.org We have a wiki : https://wiki.obarun.org We have a channel on freenode at #obarun To contact the main dev Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org>