halt [ -h ] [ -a ] [ -f|F ] [ -m message ] [ -t time ] [ -W ] when
This command triggers the halt procedure immediately if *when* is omitted.
The *when* provided **must be** on these formats:
-*now*: triggers the halt sequence immediately. This is the default
-*mins* or *+mins* : relative time; triggers the halt sequence after *mins* minutes.
-*hh:mm* : absolute time; triggers the halt sequence when the time *hh:mm* occurs. If that time has passed for the current day, it will wait for the next day. *hh* can have 1 or 2 digits; *mm***must have** 2 digits.
## Options
-**-h**: print this help.
-**-a**: use access control. The halt sequence will only be launched if one of the users listed in `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is currently logged in (as tracked by utmp). `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is a text file which accepts one user per line. Lines starting with # are commented out.
-**-f**: do not trigger a clean shutdown procedure; it will just sync the filesystems then tell the kernel to immediately halt. This should be the last step in the lifetime of the machine.
-**-F**: same as `-f` but do not sync the filesystems.
-**-m***message*: replace the default message by message. message is broadcast to all logged in users (as tracked by utmp).
-**-t***time*: have a grace time period of *time* seconds between the `SIGTERM` and the `SIGKILL` at the end of the halt sequence when it is time to kill all processes (allows processes to receive `SIGTERM` to exit cleanly). The default is `3` seconds.
-**-W**: do not send a wall message to users.
## Usage examples
Halts the system.
66 halt
Halts a broken system
66 halt -f
Halts the system after 10 minutes
66 halt 10
Sends an "system will be halted in 10 minutes" to connected account and halt the system after 10 minutes
66 halt -m "system will be halted in 10 minutes" 10
poweroff [ -h ] [ -a ] [ -f|F ] [ -m message ] [ -t time ] [ -W ] when
This command triggers the poweroff procedure immediately if *when* is omitted.
The *when* provided **must be** on these formats:
-*now*: triggers the poweroff sequence immediately. This is the default
-*mins* or *+mins* : relative time; triggers the poweroff sequence after *mins* minutes.
-*hh:mm* : absolute time; triggers the poweroff sequence when the time *hh:mm* occurs. If that time has passed for the current day, it will wait for the next day. *hh* can have 1 or 2 digits; *mm***must have** 2 digits.
## Options
-**-h**: print this help.
-**-a**: use access control. The poweroff sequence will only be launched if one of the users listed in `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is currently logged in (as tracked by utmp). `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is a text file which accepts one user per line. Lines starting with # are commented out.
-**-f**: do not trigger a clean shutdown procedure; it will just sync the filesystems then tell the kernel to immediately poweroff. This should be the last step in the lifetime of the machine.
-**-F**: same as `-f` but do not sync the filesystems.
-**-m***message*: replace the default message by message. message is broadcast to all logged in users (as tracked by utmp).
-**-t***time*: have a grace time period of *time* seconds between the `SIGTERM` and the `SIGKILL` at the end of the poweroff sequence when it is time to kill all processes (allows processes to receive `SIGTERM` to exit cleanly). The default is `3` seconds.
-**-W**: do not send a wall message to users.
## Usage examples
Shuts down the system.
66 poweroff
Shuts down a broken system
66 poweroff -f
Shuts down the system after 10 minutes
66 poweroff 10
Sends an "system will be shutted down in 10 minutes" to connected account and shuts down the system after 10 minutes
66 poweroff -m "system will be shutted down in 10 minutes" 10
reboot [ -h ] [ -a ] [ -f|F ] [ -m message ] [ -t time ] [ -W ] when
This command triggers the reboot procedure immediately if *when* is omitted.
The *when* provided **must be** on these formats:
-*now*: triggers the reboot sequence immediately. This is the default
-*mins* or *+mins* : relative time; triggers the reboot sequence after *mins* minutes.
-*hh:mm* : absolute time; triggers the reboot sequence when the time *hh:mm* occurs. If that time has passed for the current day, it will wait for the next day. *hh* can have 1 or 2 digits; *mm***must have** 2 digits.
## Options
-**-h**: print this help.
-**-a**: use access control. The reboot sequence will only be launched if one of the users listed in `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is currently logged in (as tracked by utmp). `/etc/66/shutdown.allow` is a text file which accepts one user per line. Lines starting with # are commented out.
-**-f**: do not trigger a clean shutdown procedure; it will just sync the filesystems then tell the kernel to immediately reboot. This should be the last step in the lifetime of the machine.
-**-F**: same as `-f` but do not sync the filesystems.
-**-m***message*: replace the default message by message. message is broadcast to all logged in users (as tracked by utmp).
-**-t***time*: have a grace time period of *time* seconds between the `SIGTERM` and the `SIGKILL` at the end of the reboot sequence when it is time to kill all processes (allows processes to receive `SIGTERM` to exit cleanly). The default is `3` seconds.
-**-W**: do not send a wall message to users.
## Usage examples
reboots the system.
66 reboot
reboots a broken system
66 reboot -f
reboots the system after 10 minutes
66 reboot 10
Sends an "system will be rebooted in 10 minutes" to connected account and reboot the system after 10 minutes
66 reboot -m "system will be rebooted in 10 minutes" 10