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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit cf7dab01 authored by Eric Vidal's avatar Eric Vidal :speech_balloon:
Browse files

[WIP] adapt to new graph API. Add field requiredby. Add -o options

parent 12ca62d4
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include <oblibs/sastr.h>
#include <oblibs/log.h>
#include <oblibs/obgetopt.h>
#include <oblibs/types.h>
#include <oblibs/string.h>
#include <oblibs/files.h>
......@@ -33,6 +32,7 @@
#include <skalibs/bytestr.h>
#include <skalibs/djbunix.h>
#include <skalibs/buffer.h>
#include <skalibs/sgetopt.h>
#include <66/info.h>
#include <66/utils.h>
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ static void info_display_version(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_source(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_live(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_deps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_requiredby(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_optsdeps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_extdeps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
static void info_display_start(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
......@@ -77,6 +78,356 @@ static void info_display_logfile(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res) ;
ss_resolve_graph_style *STYLE = &graph_default ;
#include <stdlib.h> //a garder
#include <stdio.h>// a effacer
#include <oblibs/graph.h>
typedef int ss_info_graph_func(char const *name, char const *obj) ;
typedef ss_info_graph_func *ss_info_graph_func_t_ref ;
int ss_info_graph_display_service(char const *name, char const *obj)
stralloc tree = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
ss_resolve_t res = RESOLVE_ZERO ;
int r = ss_resolve_svtree(&tree, name, obj), err = 0 ;
if (r != 2) {
if (r == 1)
log_warnu("find: ", name, " at tree: ", !obj ? tree.s : obj) ;
if (r > 2)
log_1_warn(name, " is set on different tree -- please use -t options") ;
goto freed ;
if (!ss_resolve_check(tree.s, name))
goto freed ;
if (!ss_resolve_read(&res, tree.s, name))
goto freed ;
char str_pid[UINT_FMT] ;
uint8_t pid_color = 0 ;
char *ppid ;
ss_state_t sta = STATE_ZERO ;
s6_svstatus_t status = S6_SVSTATUS_ZERO ;
if (res.type == TYPE_CLASSIC || res.type == TYPE_LONGRUN) {
s6_svstatus_read( + res.runat ,&status) ;
pid_color = ! ? 1 : 2 ;
str_pid[uint_fmt(str_pid,] = 0 ;
ppid = &str_pid[0] ;
} else {
char *ste = + res.state ;
char *name = + ;
if (!ss_state_check(ste,name)) {
ppid = "unitialized" ;
goto dis ;
if (!ss_state_read(&sta,ste,name)) {
log_warnu("read state of: ",name) ;
goto freed ;
if (sta.init) {
ppid = "unitialized" ;
goto dis ;
} else if (!sta.state) {
ppid = "down" ;
pid_color = 1 ;
} else if (sta.state) {
ppid = "up" ;
pid_color = 2 ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"(%s%s%s,%s%s%s,%s) %s", \
pid_color > 1 ? log_color->valid : pid_color ? log_color->error : log_color->warning, \
ppid, \
log_color->off, \
res.disen ? log_color->off : log_color->error, \
res.disen ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", \
log_color->off, \
get_key_by_enum(ENUM_TYPE,res.type), \
goto freed ;
err = 1 ;
ss_resolve_free(&res) ;
stralloc_free(&tree) ;
return err ;
int ss_info_graph_display(char const *name, char const *obj, ss_info_graph_func *func, depth_t *depth, int last, int padding, ss_resolve_graph_style *style)
log_flow() ;
int level = 1 ;
const char *tip = "" ;
tip = last ? style->last : style->tip ;
depth = depth->prev ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%*s%-*s",style->indent * (depth->level - level) + (level == 1 ? padding : 0), "", style->indent, style->limb))
return 0 ;
level = depth->level + 1 ;
depth = depth->next ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%*s%*s%s", \
level == 1 ? padding : 0,"", \
style->indent * (depth->level - level), "", \
tip)) return 0 ;
int r = (*func)(name, obj) ;
if (!r) return 0 ;
if (buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n") < 0)
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
/** make a list of edge ordered by start order
* Return the number of edge on success
* Return -1 on fail */
int ss_info_walk_edge(stralloc *sa, graph_t *g, char const *name, uint8_t requiredby)
size_t pos = 0 ;
int count = -1 ;
stralloc tmp = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc vertex = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
graph_t gc = GRAPH_ZERO ;
count = graph_matrix_get_edge_g(&vertex, g, name, requiredby) ;
if (count <= 0) {
count = 0 ;
goto freed ;
FOREACH_SASTR(&vertex, pos) {
char *ename = vertex.s + pos ;
if (!graph_vertex_add(&gc, ename)) {
log_warnu("add vertex: ",ename) ;
goto freed ;
sa->len = 0 ;
unsigned int c = graph_matrix_get_edge_g(sa, g, ename, requiredby) ;
if (c == -1)
{ count = -1 ; goto freed ; }
size_t bpos = 0 ;
FOREACH_SASTR(sa, bpos) {
char *edge = sa->s + bpos ;
if (!graph_vertex_add_with_edge(&gc, ename, edge)) {
log_warnu("add edge: ",ename," to vertex: ", edge) ;
goto freed ;
if (!graph_vertex_add(&gc, edge)) {
log_warnu("add vertex: ",edge) ;
goto freed ;
if (!sastr_add_string(&tmp, ename))
{ count = -1 ; goto freed ; } ;
if (!graph_matrix_build(&gc)) {
log_warnu("build the matrix") ;
goto freed ;
if (!graph_matrix_analyze_cycle(&gc)) {
log_warnu("found cycle") ;
goto freed ;
if (!graph_matrix_sort(&gc)) {
log_warnu("sort the matrix") ;
goto freed ;
count = sa->len = pos = 0 ;
for(; pos < gc.sort_count ; pos++) {
char *name = + genalloc_s(graph_hash_t,&gc.hash)[gc.sort[pos]].vertex ;
if (sastr_find(&tmp, name) >= 0) {
count++ ;
if (!sastr_add_string(sa, name))
{ count = -1 ; goto freed ; }
stralloc_free(&vertex) ;
stralloc_free(&tmp) ;
graph_free_all(&gc) ;
return count ;
int ss_info_walk(graph_t *g, char const *name, char const *obj, ss_info_graph_func *func, uint8_t requiredby, uint8_t reverse, depth_t *depth, int padding, ss_resolve_graph_style *style)
log_flow() ;
uint8_t e = 0 ;
if ((unsigned int) depth->level > MAXDEPTH)
return 1 ;
stralloc vertex = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc edge = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
int count = ss_info_walk_edge(&vertex, g, name, requiredby) ;
if (count == -1) goto err ;
if (!vertex.len)
goto freed ;
size_t pos = 0 ;
int idx = 0;
if (reverse)
if (!sastr_reverse(&vertex))
goto err ;
for (; pos < vertex.len ; pos += strlen(vertex.s + pos) + 1, idx++ ) {
int last = idx + 1 < count ? 0 : 1 ;
char *name = vertex.s + pos ;
if (!ss_info_graph_display(name, obj, func, depth, last, padding, style))
goto err ;
edge.len = 0 ;
if (ss_info_walk_edge(&edge, g, name, requiredby) == -1)
goto err ;
if (edge.len)
depth_t d =
depth->level + 1
} ;
depth->next = &d;
depth->prev->next = &d;
d.prev = depth->prev;
depth = &d;
d.prev = NULL;
if (!ss_info_walk(g, name, obj, func, requiredby, reverse, &d, padding, style))
goto err ;
depth->next = NULL ;
e = 1 ;
stralloc_free(&vertex) ;
stralloc_free(&edge) ;
return e ;
depth_t ss_info_graph_init(void)
log_flow() ;
depth_t d = {
} ;
return d ;
info_opts_map_t const opts_sv_table[] =
{ .str = "name", .svfunc = &info_display_name, .id = 0 },
......@@ -88,19 +439,20 @@ info_opts_map_t const opts_sv_table[] =
{ .str = "source", .svfunc = &info_display_source, .id = 6 },
{ .str = "live", .svfunc = &info_display_live, .id = 7 },
{ .str = "depends", .svfunc = &info_display_deps, .id = 8 },
{ .str = "extdepends", .svfunc = &info_display_extdeps, .id = 9 },
{ .str = "optsdepends", .svfunc = &info_display_optsdeps, .id = 10 },
{ .str = "start", .svfunc = &info_display_start, .id = 11 },
{ .str = "stop", .svfunc = &info_display_stop, .id = 12 },
{ .str = "envat", .svfunc = &info_display_envat, .id = 13 },
{ .str = "envfile", .svfunc = &info_display_envfile, .id = 14 },
{ .str = "logname", .svfunc = &info_display_logname, .id = 15 },
{ .str = "logdst", .svfunc = &info_display_logdst, .id = 16 },
{ .str = "logfile", .svfunc = &info_display_logfile, .id = 17 },
{ .str = "requiredby", .svfunc = &info_display_requiredby, .id = 9 },
{ .str = "extdepends", .svfunc = &info_display_extdeps, .id = 10 },
{ .str = "optsdepends", .svfunc = &info_display_optsdeps, .id = 11 },
{ .str = "start", .svfunc = &info_display_start, .id = 12 },
{ .str = "stop", .svfunc = &info_display_stop, .id = 13 },
{ .str = "envat", .svfunc = &info_display_envat, .id = 14 },
{ .str = "envfile", .svfunc = &info_display_envfile, .id = 15 },
{ .str = "logname", .svfunc = &info_display_logname, .id = 16 },
{ .str = "logdst", .svfunc = &info_display_logdst, .id = 17 },
{ .str = "logfile", .svfunc = &info_display_logfile, .id = 18 },
{ .str = 0, .svfunc = 0, .id = -1 }
} ;
#define MAXOPTS 19
#define MAXOPTS 20
#define checkopts(n) if (n >= MAXOPTS) log_die(LOG_EXIT_USER, "too many options")
#define DELIM ','
......@@ -124,7 +476,7 @@ static inline void info_help (void)
" -t: only search service at the specified tree\n"
" -p: print n last lines of the log file\n"
"valid field for -o options are:\n"
"valid fields for -o options are:\n"
" name: displays the name\n"
" version: displays the version of the service\n"
......@@ -135,6 +487,7 @@ static inline void info_help (void)
" source: displays the source of the service's frontend file\n"
" live: displays the service's live directory\n"
" depends: displays the service's dependencies\n"
" requiredby: displays the service(s) which depends on service\n"
" extdepends: displays the service's external dependencies\n"
" optsdepends: displays the service's optional dependencies\n"
" start: displays the service's start script\n"
......@@ -320,74 +673,371 @@ static void info_display_live(char const *field,ss_resolve_t *res)
info_display_string(res->sa.s + res->runat) ;
static void info_display_deps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res)
int graph_service_compute_deps(stralloc *deps, char const *str)
int r ;
size_t padding = 1, pos = 0, el ;
ss_resolve_t gres = RESOLVE_ZERO ;
ss_resolve_graph_t graph = RESOLVE_GRAPH_ZERO ;
stralloc salist = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc tmp = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
size_t pos = 0 ;
if (!sastr_clean_string(&tmp,str))
log_warnu_return(LOG_EXIT_ZERO,"rebuild dependencies list") ;
FOREACH_SASTR(&tmp,pos) {
if (!sastr_add_string(deps, tmp.s + pos))
return 0 ;
stralloc_free(&tmp) ;
return 1 ;
int graph_service_add_deps(graph_t *g, char const *service, char const *sdeps)
stralloc deps = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
uint8_t e = 0 ;
if (!sastr_clean_string(&deps,sdeps)) {
log_warnu("rebuild dependencies list") ;
goto freed ;
if (!graph_vertex_add_with_nedge(g, service, &deps)) {
log_warnu("add edges at vertex: ", service) ;
goto freed ;
e = 1 ;
stralloc_free(&deps) ;
return e ;
void ss_graph_matrix_add_classic(graph_t *g, genalloc *gares)
size_t pos = 0, bpos = 0, ccount = 0 ;
size_t cl[SS_MAX_SERVICE] ;
for (; pos < genalloc_len(ss_resolve_t, gares) ; pos++) {
ss_resolve_t_ref res = &genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t, gares)[pos] ;
if (res->type == TYPE_CLASSIC) {
cl[ccount++] = pos ;
if (ccount) {
for (pos = 0 ; pos < ccount ; pos++) {
char *str = genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t, gares)[cl[pos]].sa.s ;
char *sv = str + genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t, gares)[cl[pos]].name ;
graph_array_reverse(g->sort, g->sort_count) ;
for (bpos = 0 ; bpos < g->sort_count ; bpos++) {
char *service = g->data.s + genalloc_s(graph_hash_t,&g->hash)[g->sort[bpos]].vertex ;
int idx = ss_resolve_search(gares, service) ;
if (genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t, gares)[idx].type == TYPE_CLASSIC ||
!strcmp(service, sv))
continue ;
if (!graph_edge_add_g(g, service, sv))
log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"add edge: ", sv, " at vertex: ", service) ;
graph_free_matrix(g) ;
graph_free_sort(g) ;
if (!graph_matrix_build(g)) {
graph_free_all(g) ;
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"build the graph") ;
if (!graph_matrix_analyze_cycle(g))
log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"found cycle") ;
graph_array_reverse(g->sort, g->sort_count) ;
/** what = 0 -> only classic
* what = 1 -> only atomic
* what = 2 -> both
* @Return 0 on fail
* This function append the logger to @gares is case of classic service. */
int ss_tree_get_sv_resolve(genalloc *gares, char const *dir, uint8_t what)
log_flow() ;
stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
ss_resolve_t res = RESOLVE_ZERO ;
ss_resolve_t reslog = RESOLVE_ZERO ;
int e = 0 ;
size_t dirlen = strlen(dir), pos = 0 ;
char solve[dirlen + SS_RESOLVE_LEN + 1] ;
auto_strings(solve, dir, SS_RESOLVE) ;
char const *exclude[2] = { SS_MASTER + 1, 0 } ;
if (!sastr_dir_get(&sa,solve,exclude,S_IFREG))
goto err ;
FOREACH_SASTR(&sa, pos) {
char *name = sa.s + pos ;
if (!ss_resolve_check(dir,name))
goto err ;
if (!ss_resolve_read(&res,dir,name))
goto err ;
if (ss_resolve_search(gares,name) == -1) {
if ((!what || what == 2) && (res.type == TYPE_CLASSIC)) {
if (res.logger) {
if (!ss_resolve_read(&reslog, dir, + res.logger))
goto err ;
if (ss_resolve_search(gares, + res.logger) == -1) {
if (!ss_resolve_append(gares,&reslog))
goto err ;
if (!ss_resolve_append(gares,&res))
goto err ;
continue ;
if (what) {
if (!ss_resolve_append(gares,&res))
goto err ;
e = 1 ;
stralloc_free(&sa) ;
ss_resolve_free(&res) ;
ss_resolve_free(&reslog) ;
return e ;
/** @tree: absolute path of the tree*/
static void ss_graph_matrix_build_bytree(graph_t *g, char const *tree, uint8_t what)
stralloc services = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc deps = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
genalloc gares = GENALLOC_ZERO ;
size_t treelen = strlen(tree), pos = 0 ;
char src[treelen + SS_SVDIRS_LEN + 1] ;
auto_strings(src, tree, SS_SVDIRS) ;
if (!ss_tree_get_sv_resolve(&gares, src, what))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get resolve files of tree: ", tree) ;
if (genalloc_len(ss_resolve_t, &gares) >= SS_MAX_SERVICE)
log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "too many services to handle") ;
pos = 0 ;
for (; pos < genalloc_len(ss_resolve_t, &gares) ; pos++) {
ss_resolve_t_ref res = &genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t, &gares)[pos] ;
char *str = res->sa.s ;
char *service = str + res->name ;
if (!graph_vertex_add(g, service))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"add vertex: ", service) ;
deps.len = 0 ;
if (res->ndeps > 0) {
if (res->type == TYPE_MODULE || res->type == TYPE_BUNDLE) {
uint32_t tdeps = res->type == TYPE_MODULE ? what > 1 ? res->contents : res->deps : res->deps ;
if (!graph_service_add_deps(g, service, str + tdeps))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_ZERO,"add dependencies of service: ",service) ;
} else {
if (!graph_service_add_deps(g, service,str + res->deps))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_ZERO,"add dependencies of service: ",service) ;
if (!graph_matrix_build(g))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"build the graph") ;
if (!graph_matrix_analyze_cycle(g))
log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"found cycle") ;
if (!graph_matrix_sort(g))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"sort the graph") ;
if (!what || what == 2)
ss_graph_matrix_add_classic(g, &gares) ;
stralloc_free(&services) ;
stralloc_free(&deps) ;
static void info_display_requiredby(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res)
size_t padding = 1 ;
int r ;
graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
if (NOFIELD) padding = info_display_field_name(field) ;
else { field = 0 ; padding = 0 ; }
if (!res->ndeps) goto empty ;
* */
if (res->type == TYPE_MODULE)
if (!sastr_clean_string(&salist,res->sa.s + res->contents))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"rebuild dependencies list") ;
ss_graph_matrix_build_bytree(&graph, res->sa.s + res->tree, 2) ;
if (!ss_resolve_sort_bytype(&gares,&salist,src.s))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"sort list by type") ;
for (pos = 0 ; pos < genalloc_len(ss_resolve_t,&gares) ; pos++)
if (!ss_resolve_graph_build(&graph,&genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t,&gares)[pos],src.s,REVERSE))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"build the graph from: ",src.s) ;
unsigned int list[graph.mlen] ;
int count = graph_matrix_get_requiredby(list, &graph, res->sa.s + res->name , 0) ;
if (count == -1)
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get requiredby for service: ", res->sa.s + res->name) ;
if (!count) goto empty ;
if (GRAPH) {
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%s\n","/"))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
depth_t d = ss_info_graph_init() ;
if (!ss_info_walk(&graph, res->sa.s + res->name, res->sa.s + res->treename, &ss_info_graph_display_service, 1, REVERSE, &d, padding, STYLE))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"display the requiredby graphic") ;
return ;
r = ss_resolve_graph_publish(&graph,0) ;
if (r < 0) log_die(LOG_EXIT_USER,"cyclic graph detected") ;
else if (!r) log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"publish service graph") ;
} else {
salist.len = 0 ;
for (pos = 0 ; pos < genalloc_len(ss_resolve_t,&graph.sorted) ; pos++)
deps.len = 0 ;
r = ss_info_walk_edge(&deps,&graph, res->sa.s + res->name, 1) ;
if (r == -1)
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "get requiredby list") ;
if (!r)
goto empty ;
if (!sastr_reverse(&deps))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"reverse dependencies list") ;
info_display_list(field,&deps) ;
return ;
if (GRAPH)
char *string = genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t,&graph.sorted)[pos].sa.s ;
char *name = string + genalloc_s(ss_resolve_t,&graph.sorted)[pos].name ;
if (!stralloc_catb(&salist,name,strlen(name)+1)) log_die_nomem("stralloc") ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%s\n","/"))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%*s%s%s%s%s\n",padding, "", STYLE->last, log_color->warning,"None",log_color->off))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
genalloc_deepfree(ss_resolve_t,&gares,ss_resolve_free) ;
ss_resolve_graph_free(&graph) ;
else {
if (!sastr_clean_string(&salist,res->sa.s + res->deps))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"rebuild dependencies list") ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%s%s%s\n",log_color->warning,"None",log_color->off))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
static void info_display_deps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res)
int r ;
size_t padding = 1 ;
graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
stralloc deps = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
if (NOFIELD) padding = info_display_field_name(field) ;
else { field = 0 ; padding = 0 ; }
ss_graph_matrix_build_bytree(&graph, res->sa.s + res->tree, 2) ;
unsigned int list[graph.mlen] ;
int count = graph_matrix_get_edge(list, &graph, res->sa.s + res->name , 0) ;
if (count == -1)
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get requiredby for service: ", res->sa.s + res->name) ;
if (!count) goto empty ;
if (GRAPH)
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%s\n","/"))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
el = sastr_len(&salist) ;
if (!sastr_rebuild_in_oneline(&salist)) log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"rebuild dependencies list") ;
depth_t d = ss_info_graph_init() ;
ss_resolve_init(&gres) ;
gres.ndeps = el ;
gres.deps = ss_resolve_add_string(&gres,salist.s) ;
if (!info_graph_init(&gres,src.s,REVERSE, padding, STYLE))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"display graph of: ", + ;
if (!ss_info_walk(&graph, res->sa.s + res->name, res->sa.s + res->treename, &ss_info_graph_display_service, 0, REVERSE, &d, padding, STYLE))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"display the dependencies graphic") ;
goto freed ;
deps.len = 0 ;
r = ss_info_walk_edge(&deps,&graph, res->sa.s + res->name, 0) ;
if (r == -1)
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "get requiredby list") ;
if (!r)
goto empty ;
if (!sastr_reverse(&salist))
if (!sastr_reverse(&deps))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"reverse dependencies list") ;
info_display_list(field,&salist) ;
info_display_list(field,&deps) ;
goto freed ;
......@@ -395,6 +1045,7 @@ static void info_display_deps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res)
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%s\n","/"))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
if (!bprintf(buffer_1,"%*s%s%s%s%s\n",padding, "", STYLE->last, log_color->warning,"None",log_color->off))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"write to stdout") ;
......@@ -405,8 +1056,7 @@ static void info_display_deps(char const *field, ss_resolve_t *res)
ss_resolve_free(&gres) ;
stralloc_free(&salist) ;
stralloc_free(&deps) ;
static void info_display_with_source_tree(stralloc *list,ss_resolve_t *res)
......@@ -416,12 +1066,14 @@ static void info_display_with_source_tree(stralloc *list,ss_resolve_t *res)
stralloc ntree = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc src = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc tmp = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
char const *exclude[3] = { SS_BACKUP + 1, SS_RESOLVE + 1, 0 } ;
char *treename = 0 ;
if (!auto_stra(&src,home.s)) log_die_nomem("stralloc") ;
newlen = src.len ;
if (!sastr_dir_get(&ntree,home.s,SS_BACKUP + 1,S_IFDIR))
if (!sastr_dir_get(&ntree,home.s,exclude,S_IFDIR))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get list of trees of: ",home.s) ;
for (pos = 0 ; pos < ntree.len ; pos += strlen(ntree.s + pos) + 1)
......@@ -433,7 +1085,9 @@ static void info_display_with_source_tree(stralloc *list,ss_resolve_t *res)
if (!auto_stra(&src,treename,SS_SVDIRS,SS_RESOLVE))
log_die_nomem("stralloc") ;
if (!sastr_dir_get(&svlist,src.s,SS_MASTER + 1,S_IFREG))
exclude[0] = SS_MASTER + 1 ;
exclude[1] = 0 ;
if (!sastr_dir_get(&svlist,src.s,exclude,S_IFREG))
log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get contents of tree: ",src.s) ;
for (lpos = 0 ; lpos < list->len ; lpos += strlen(list->s + lpos) + 1)
......@@ -596,6 +1250,7 @@ static void info_display_envfile(char const *field,ss_resolve_t *res)
stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc salink = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
stralloc list = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
char const *exclude[1] = { 0 } ;
if (res->srconf)
......@@ -613,7 +1268,7 @@ static void info_display_envfile(char const *field,ss_resolve_t *res)
newlen = salink.len - 1 ;
if (!sastr_dir_get(&list,salink.s,"",S_IFREG))
if (!sastr_dir_get(&list,salink.s,exclude,S_IFREG))
log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"get list of environment file from: ",src) ;
if (!sastr_sort(&list))
......@@ -852,6 +1507,7 @@ int main(int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp)
"Required by",
"External dependencies" ,
"Optional dependencies" ,
"Start script",
......@@ -868,9 +1524,9 @@ int main(int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp)
for (;;)
int opt = getopt_args(argc,argv, ">hzv:cno:grd:t:p:", &l) ;
int opt = subgetopt_r(argc,argv, "hzv:cno:grd:t:p:", &l) ;
if (opt == -1) break ;
if (opt == -2) log_die(LOG_EXIT_USER,"options must be set first") ;
switch (opt)
case 'h' : info_help(); return 0 ;
......@@ -909,7 +1565,7 @@ int main(int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp)
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
if(!str_diff(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UTF-8")) {
if(!strcmp(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UTF-8")) {
STYLE = &graph_utf8;
if (!set_ownersysdir(&home,owner)) log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "set owner directory") ;
0% Loading or .
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