This command expects to find an already created [scandir](scandir.html) directory at `%%livedir%%/scandir/UID`, where *UID* is the uid of the current owner of the process.
Ther command `66 scandir create` need to executed before trying to run the `init` command. The [scandir](scandir.html) does not need to be necessarily running.
The command `66 scandir create` need to be executed before trying to run the `init` command. The [scandir](scandir.html) does not need to be necessarily running.
## Options
@@ -32,4 +32,11 @@ If the [scandir](scandir.html) is running, you should invoke a [66 scandir recon
## Note
Users, even system administrator, should not need to directly invoke this command. It is primarily used internally by `66`. `66` automatically manages services that have not been initialized when necessary.
\ No newline at end of file
Users, even system administrator, should not need to directly invoke this command. It is primarily used internally by `66`. `66` automatically manages services that have not been initialized when necessary.
The absolute path of the frontend service file can also be set. In this case, the primary path of this absolute path must match `%%service_system%%` or `%%service_adm%%` or `$HOME/%%service_user%%` directory name e.g `%%service_system%%/nptd/0.1.1/nptd`.
This command handles [interdependencies](66.html#handling-dependencies) and parse any interdependencies need for the service if they doesn't parsed yet.
## Options
-**-h**: prints this help.
@@ -36,3 +38,25 @@ The absolute path of the frontend service file can also be set. In this case, th
Users may not directly execute this command. It is primarily used internally by `66`. `66` automatically handles a non-parsed service by invoking the `parse` command. Users who wish to parse a service again with the `-f` option should prefer using the [reconfigure](reconfigure.html) command.
However, a system administrator might want to parse a service frontend file under construction to ensure everything is functioning correctly without altering the system's state.
## Usage examples
Parses the frontend file of `foo` service
66 parse foo
Parses the frontend file of `foo` service without importing `key=value` pair previous configuration file
66 parse -I foo
Force to parse again an existing parsing result of `foo` service
66 parse -f foo
Parses the frontend file of `foo` service specifying the localization of the frontend file