@@ -7,30 +7,27 @@ author: Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org>
# 66-inresolve
# resolve
This command displays the contents of the service's *resolve* file.
## Interface
66-inresolve [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -t tree ] [ -l ] service
resolve [ -h ] service
66-inresolve displays the contents of the service's *resolve* file. This file are used internally by the *66* tools to know *service* information. This tool is purely a debug tool used by developers.
This command displays the contents of the service's *resolve* file. This file are used internally by the `66` program to know *service* information. This command is purely a debug command used by system administrators or developers.
## Exit codes
-*0* success
-*100* wrong usage
-*111* system call failed
[Resolve](deeper.html#Resolve-files) files are at the core of `66` for service information. They are used internally by `66` to build the dependency graph, ascertain file locations, the parse process result of a service, and other critical aspects of a service.
## Options
-**-h** : prints this help;
-**-z** : use color.
-**-t***tree* : only searches the service at the specified *tree*, when the same service may be enabled in more trees.
## Usage example
-**-l** : displays the contents of the associated logger's *resolve* file if any.