## An empty field is not allowed. If the key is define, the value must exist and valid.
## In other case, simply comment it.
## This file use the two following type format:
## Boolean: use false or true. Default false for an absent key.
## List: a comma separated string list.
## Type: List
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree admin -o depends=treebar treefoo' or '66 tree create -o depends=treebar treefoo' command
## You can use the term 'none'.
## Type: List
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree admin -o requiredby=treebar treefoo' or '66 tree create -o requiredby=treebar treefoo' command
## You can use the term 'none'
#requiredby = none
## Type: Boolean
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree enable treefoo' command
## Type: List
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree admin -o allow=root treefoo' or '66 tree create -o allow=root treefoo' command
## If you want to allow any regular account without specifying a particular account name,
## you can use the term 'user'. The account name must be valid on the system.
## Type: List
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree admin -o deny=root treefoo' or '66 tree create -o deny=root treefoo' command
## If you want to allow any regular account without specifying a particular account name,
## you can use the term 'user'. The account name must be valid on the system.
## Type: Boolean
## Corresponds to '66 tree current' command
## Corresponds to e.g. '66 tree admin -o groups=boot treefoo' or '66 tree create -o groups=boot treefoo' command
## Can be one of the term: 'boot', 'admin', 'user' or 'none'.