# In 0.5.2
- Enable tree session by default through seed file
# In 0.5.1
- Adapt to 66 stable release.
- Provide seed file for the seesion tree.
- Allow to declare version at configure invocation.
# In 0.4.3
- Adapt to scandir@-66serv 0.3.1
- Fix .xinitrc and .xsession: It backup those files with a suffix `-$random.backup` where `$random` is generated by `date +%M%N`.
- Sent a better message if the console tracker and display manager that the user want to install do not exist on his system.
- 66 v0.5.1.0
- 66-tools v0.0.6.2
- scandir-66serv v0.2.1
- optional dependencies:
* console-tracker-66serv v0.2.1
* display-manager-66serv v0.2.1
# In 0.4.0
- Adapt to 66 and 66-tools
- Respect color set at *66-enable*.