### One application per line. ### You can use # to comment a line. ### Blank line are ignored. ##################################### #----------- ## JWM #----------- jwm xdgmenumaker obshutdown-git lxappearance i3lock rofi gsimplecal #----------- ## Services #----------- dbus-66serv connmand-66serv consolekit-66serv dmraid-66serv ntpd-66serv wpa_supplicant-66serv xdg-user-dirs-66serv nfs-utils-66serv cupsd-66serv #----------- ## Applications #----------- asoundconf clipit connman connman-gtk compton epdfview galculator-gtk2 geany geeqie gmrun gparted gvfs gvfs-smb hexchat imagemagick lxrandr midori parole polkit-gnome scrot spacefm sakura udevil volumeicon xarchiver-gtk2 xdg-user-dirs zenity #----------- ## Themes #----------- arc-gtk-theme faenza-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme gtk-update-icon-cache gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines #----------- ## Fonts #----------- ttf-liberation #----------- ## Utilities #----------- alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-tools alsa-utils arandr arch-install-scripts colord consolekit2 dbus ddrescue haveged libatasmart #libbsd included for compatibility with MAC libbsd libcups libpulse libwacom notification-daemon openntpd numlockx polkit upower wvdial xdg-utils xorg-xkill #----------- ## Codec #----------- gstreamer gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly