#!@BINDIR@/bash # Copyright (c) 2015-2019Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org> # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in # the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this # distribution. # This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed # except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. sourcing(){ local list for list in /tmp/obarun-install-tmp/install.conf /usr/lib/obarun/util.sh; do if [[ -f "${list}" ]]; then source "${list}" else out_error "Missing file : ${list}" exit fi done unset list } sourcing custo_once() { local _tmp cmd cmd="${1}" _tmp="/tmp/obarun-install-tmp" if [[ ! -d $_tmp ]]; then mkdir -p -m0755 $_tmp || die "Impossible to create $_tmp" fi if [[ ! -e $_tmp/customize.${cmd} ]]; then "${cmd}" || die "Cannot execute $_" touch $_tmp/customize.${cmd} else return fi unset _tmp } ############################## only modifie this script after this line ############################ config(){ out_action "Enable dhcpd service" 66-enable -v3 dhcpcd } custo_once config out_valid "Customization terminate"