# Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org> # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in # the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this # distribution. # This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed # except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. ################## ## Main variable ################## # allow to update the obarun-install script when it launched [yes|no] UPDATE_INS="yes" # allow to update the obarun-install-themes script when it launched [yes|no] UPDATE_TPL="yes" # Be more/less verbose # 1 for more, 0 for less DEBUG=0 # git source of obarun-install package GIT_ADDR="https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install.git" # git source of obarun-install-themes package GIT_ADDR_THEMES="https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install-themes.git" # git branch to use, if not set master is took by default BRANCH="" # git branch to use for obarun-install-themes, if not set master is took by default THEMES_BRANCH="" # gpg directory used during the installation GPG_DIR="/var/lib/obarun/gnupg" # editor used during the installation EDITOR="mcedit" # valid mountpoint for installation NEWROOT="/mnt" # configuration files directory used for the installation CONFIG_DIR="jwm" # cache directory used during the installation CACHE_DIR="/var/cache/pacman/pkg" # use rankmirrors to find the fastest local mirror # expected value are yes or no without uppercase RANKMIRRORS="no" ######################### ## Customization variable ######################### # define name of the host for the new installation HOSTNAME="Ob66" # define the locale for the new installation LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # define the zone for the new installation e.g Europe ZONE="GMT" # define the subzone for the new installation e.g. Londres SUBZONE="" # define the keymap for the console for the new installation KEYMAP="us" # define the keymap for the Desktop for the new installation XKEYMAP="us" # define the name for a new user for the new installation NEWUSER="oblive"