From fab3f4b36b941f1ef32f2319dc17ae00fe2e82ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jean-michel <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 01:14:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Delete customizeChroot

 jwm-art/customizeChroot | 119 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 119 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 jwm-art/customizeChroot

diff --git a/jwm-art/customizeChroot b/jwm-art/customizeChroot
deleted file mode 100755
index 00be43e..0000000
--- a/jwm-art/customizeChroot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Eric Vidal <>
-# All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in
-# the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
-# distribution.
-# This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
-# except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
-    local list
-    for list in /tmp/obarun-install-tmp/install.conf /usr/lib/obarun/; do
-        if [[ -f "${list}" ]]; then
-            source "${list}"
-        else
-            out_error "Missing file : ${list}"
-            exit	
-        fi
-    done
-    unset list
-custo_once() {
-    local _tmp cmd
-    cmd="${1}"
-    _tmp="/tmp/obarun-install-tmp"
-    if [[ ! -d $_tmp ]]; then
-        mkdir -p -m0755 $_tmp || die "Impossible to create $_tmp"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -e $_tmp/customize.${cmd} ]]; then
-        "${cmd}" || die "Cannot execute $_"
-        touch $_tmp/customize.${cmd}
-    else
-        return
-    fi
-    unset _tmp
-############################## only modifie this script after this line ############################
-    out_action "add ${NEWUSER} at log group"
-    gpasswd -a "$NEWUSER" log
-custo_once create_log_user 
-    # creation of the live/ to avoid crash
-    mkdir -p -m1777 /run/66
-    out_action "Create, enable tree [system]"
-    66-tree -v3 -nE system
-    out_action "Enable ntpd,sshd on tree [system]"
-    66-enable -v3 -t system ntpd sshd
-    out_action "Create, enable tree [desktop] with flag current"
-    66-tree -v3 -nEc desktop
-    out_action "Enable dbus,networkmanager,wpa_supplicant services,sddm on tree [desktop]"
-    66-enable -v3 -t desktop dbus networkmanager wpa_supplicant sddm
-    # avoid permissions access issue
-    chown -R ${NEWUSER}:users /run/66
-    out_action "For ${NEWUSER}: Create, enable tree [gui] with flag current"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-tree -v3 -nEc gui"
-    out_action "Enable dbus-user and xdg-user-dirs on tree [gui]"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-enable -v3 -t gui dbus-user xdg-user-dirs"
-    rm -rf /run/66
-custo_once config_66
-    out_action "Create ${NEWUSER} .scandir file"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "cat > /home/${NEWUSER}/.scandir <<EOF
-#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
-#emptyenv -p
-s6-setsid -qb --
-umask 022
-66-scandir -v3 -cu
-    out_action "Set 750 permissions on .scandir file"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "chmod 750 /home/${NEWUSER}/.scandir"
-    out_action "Create ${NEWUSER} .zprofile file"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "cat > /home/${NEWUSER}/.zprofile <<EOF
-## Execute scandir script
-## Send a down signal, or 'could not sync environment to dbus' with sddm when user logout/login 
-## Send an up signal for services inside tree [gui]
-(.scandir &) &
-66-all -t gui down
-sleep 01
-66-all -t gui up
-    out_action "Create ${NEWUSER} .xinitrc file"
-    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "cat > /home/${NEWUSER}/.xinitrc <<EOF
-## Uncomment if you use startx command line
-#exec jwm
-custo_once config_user
-out_valid "Customization terminate"