diff --git a/plasma/customizeChroot b/plasma/customizeChroot
index 479f712e66619d75dbe0bb992b4dc29432d5f35c..57747bd23770163c88e8116febfc168acb523ef8 100755
--- a/plasma/customizeChroot
+++ b/plasma/customizeChroot
@@ -81,5 +81,31 @@ config_66(){
 custo_once config_66
+    out_action "Create ${NEWUSER} .scandir file"
+    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "cat > /home/${NEWUSER}/.scandir <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
+#emptyenv -p
+s6-setsid -qb --
+umask 022
+66-scandir -v3 -cu
+    out_action "Create ${NEWUSER} .xsession file"
+    su "${NEWUSER}" -c "cat > /home/${NEWUSER}/.xsession <<EOF
+## Execute scandir script
+## Send a down signal, or 'could not sync environment to dbus' with sddm when user logout/login 
+## Send an up signal for services inside tree [gui]
+(.scandir &) &
+66-all -t gui down
+sleep 01
+66-all -t gui up
+custo_once config_user
 out_valid "Customization terminate"