diff --git a/plasma/customizeChroot b/plasma/customizeChroot index 488b2f18a8f7d32125964ff81c03e804837c2b82..d56057552770015363deeb9f7b4bb7bf89bc08cf 100755 --- a/plasma/customizeChroot +++ b/plasma/customizeChroot @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ config_66(){ out_action "Create and enable tree [system]" 66-tree -v3 -cE system - out_action "Enable ntpd sshd on tree [system]" + out_action "Enable ntpd,sshd on tree [system]" 66-enable -v3 -t system ntpd sshd - out_action "Create enable and make default tree [desktop]" + out_action "Create, enable and set flag default on tree [desktop]" 66-tree -v3 -cEn desktop - out_action "Enable dbus,networkmanager,wpa_supplicant on tree [desktop]" + out_action "Enable dbus,networkmanager,wpa_supplicant services on tree [desktop]" 66-enable -v3 -t desktop dbus networkmanager wpa_supplicant # avoid permissions access issue