diff --git a/plasma/customizeChroot b/plasma/customizeChroot index 9c4288f9084e56c8ee52e981eb42c60b59c45879..8ab49fb5bc8d19d6646f45881c545e71c6c2da6c 100755 --- a/plasma/customizeChroot +++ b/plasma/customizeChroot @@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ custo_once config_vguest config_66(){ - # creation of the live/ to avoid crash - mkdir -p -m1777 /run/66 - out_action "Create and enable tree [system]" 66-tree -v3 -nE system @@ -90,17 +87,11 @@ config_66(){ out_action "Enable dbus,networkmanager,wpa_supplicant services,sddm on tree [desktop]" 66-enable -v3 -t desktop dbus networkmanager wpa_supplicant sddm - # avoid permissions access issue - chown -R ${NEWUSER}:users /run/66 - out_action "For ${NEWUSER}: Create, enable tree [gui] and set as current" su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-tree -v3 -nEc gui" out_action "Enable dbus-user and xdg-user-dirs on tree [gui]" su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-enable -v3 -t gui dbus-user xdg-user-dirs" - - rm -rf /run/66 - } custo_once config_66