diff --git a/src/include/66/66.h b/src/include/66/66.h
index cfe9b8af33df66b12be9fba438af25ae9c153f6e..56c00d734b72a81ff248b7e33cdd15a7d951fa1f 100644
--- a/src/include/66/66.h
+++ b/src/include/66/66.h
@@ -33,5 +33,6 @@
 #include <66/tree.h>
 #include <66/utils.h>
 #include <66/write.h>
+#include <66/hash.h>
diff --git a/src/include/66/graph.h b/src/include/66/graph.h
index ada7b76ca16e0b858973622764db7c1518cea067..393256c427673b9e8e2a49514b95a04489aab829 100644
--- a/src/include/66/graph.h
+++ b/src/include/66/graph.h
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
 #include <66/service.h>
 #include <66/tree.h>
 #include <66/ssexec.h>
+#include <66/hash.h>
-extern void graph_build_tree(graph_t *g,char const *base, resolve_tree_master_enum_t field) ;
+extern void graph_build_tree(graph_t *g, struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, char const *base, resolve_tree_master_enum_t field) ;
 extern void graph_build_service(graph_t *g, resolve_service_t *ares, unsigned int *areslen, ssexec_t *info, uint32_t flag) ;
 extern int graph_compute_dependencies(graph_t *g, char const *vertex, char const *edge, uint8_t requiredby) ;
 extern void graph_compute_visit(resolve_service_t *ares, unsigned int aresid, unsigned int *visit, unsigned int *list, graph_t *graph, unsigned int *nservice, uint8_t requiredby) ;
diff --git a/src/include/66/tree.h b/src/include/66/tree.h
index 3e291ded04fc498e055324446ab0876ffc0747b3..91772143bc88690ca93737481deb6a7eb75f9088 100644
--- a/src/include/66/tree.h
+++ b/src/include/66/tree.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <66/ssexec.h>
 #include <66/resolve.h>
+#include <66/hash.h>
 #define TREE_GROUPS_BOOT "boot"
@@ -129,6 +130,15 @@ struct tree_seed_s
 } ;
 #define TREE_SEED_ZERO { STRALLOC_ZERO, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 }
+struct resolve_hash_tree_s {
+	char name[SS_MAX_SERVICE_NAME + 1] ; // name as key
+	uint8_t visit ;
+	resolve_tree_t tres ;
+	UT_hash_handle hh ;
+} ;
 /** @Return 1 on success
  * @Return 0 if not valid
  * @Return -1 on system error */
@@ -173,19 +183,13 @@ extern int tree_sethome(ssexec_t *info) ;
 extern int tree_switch_current(char const *base, char const *tree) ;
- *
- * Resolve API
- *
- * */
+/** Resolve API */
 /** tree */
 extern int tree_resolve_read_cdb(cdb *c, resolve_tree_t *tres) ;
 extern int tree_resolve_write_cdb(cdbmaker *c, resolve_tree_t *tres) ;
 extern int tree_resolve_copy(resolve_tree_t *dst, resolve_tree_t *tres) ;
 extern int tree_resolve_modify_field(resolve_tree_t *tres, uint8_t field, char const *data) ;
 extern int tree_resolve_get_field_tosa(stralloc *sa, resolve_tree_t *tres, resolve_tree_enum_t field) ;
-extern int tree_resolve_array_search(resolve_tree_t *ares, unsigned int areslen, char const *name) ;
 extern void tree_service_add(char const *treename, char const *service, ssexec_t *info) ;
 extern void tree_service_remove(char const *base, char const *treename, char const *service) ;
 /** Master */
@@ -196,11 +200,7 @@ extern int tree_resolve_master_copy(resolve_tree_master_t *dst, resolve_tree_mas
 extern int tree_resolve_master_modify_field(resolve_tree_master_t *mres, uint8_t field, char const *data) ;
 extern int tree_resolve_master_get_field_tosa(stralloc *sa, resolve_tree_master_t *mres, resolve_tree_master_enum_t field) ;
- *
- * Seed API
- *
- * */
+/** Seed API */
 extern int tree_seed_file_isvalid(char const *seedpath, char const *treename) ;
 extern void tree_seed_free(tree_seed_t *seed) ;
 extern int tree_seed_get_group_permissions(tree_seed_t *seed) ;
@@ -210,5 +210,10 @@ extern int tree_seed_parse_file(tree_seed_t *seed, char const *seedpath) ;
 extern int tree_seed_resolve_path(stralloc *sa, char const *seed) ;
 extern int tree_seed_setseed(tree_seed_t *seed, char const *treename) ;
+/** HASH API*/
+extern int hash_add_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash, char const *name, resolve_tree_t res) ;
+extern struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash_search_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash, char const *name) ;
+extern int hash_count_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash) ;
+extern void hash_free_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash) ;
diff --git a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_admin.c b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_admin.c
index c12c590a7c232c2810ae8245a9b88a8db347b022..18dcffe281fd25fc2583185b252cb76163efeda0 100644
--- a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_admin.c
+++ b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_admin.c
@@ -598,79 +598,6 @@ void tree_create(graph_t *g, ssexec_t *info, tree_what_t *what)
     log_info("Created successfully tree: ", info->treename.s) ;
- * WARNING: The order of the trees are not sorted by dependencies order
- *
- * !action -> disable
- * action -> enable */
-void tree_master_enable_disable(char const *base, char const *treename, uint8_t action)
-    log_flow() ;
-    char *str = 0 ;
-    stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
-    resolve_tree_master_t mres = RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_ZERO ;
-    resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE_MASTER, &mres) ;
-    log_trace(!action ? "disable" : "enable"," tree: ", treename, " from: ", SS_MASTER + 1) ;
-    if (resolve_read_g(wres, base, SS_MASTER + 1) <= 0)
-        log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve Master file of trees") ;
-    if (!mres.nenabled && action) {
-        if (!resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_ENABLED, treename))
-            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "modify resolve Master file of trees") ;
-        mres.nenabled = 1 ;
-        goto write ;
-    }
-    if (mres.nenabled) {
-        if (!sastr_clean_string(&sa, mres.sa.s + mres.enabled))
-            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "clean string") ;
-        if (!action) {
-            if (!sastr_remove_element(&sa, treename))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "remove service: ", treename, " list") ;
-            mres.nenabled-- ;
-        } else if (action) {
-            // be paranoid and test the action var
-            if (!sastr_add_string(&sa, treename))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "clean string") ;
-            if (!sastr_sortndrop_element(&sa))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "sort string") ;
-            mres.nenabled++ ;
-        }
-        if (sa.len) {
-            if (!sastr_rebuild_in_oneline(&sa))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "rebuild list") ;
-            str = sa.s ;
-        } else str = "" ;
-        if (!resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_ENABLED, str))
-            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "modify resolve file of: ", SS_MASTER + 1) ;
-    }
-    write:
-        if (!resolve_write_g(wres, base, SS_MASTER + 1))
-            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "write resolve Master file of trees") ;
-        resolve_free(wres) ;
-        stralloc_free(&sa) ;
 void tree_enable_disable_deps(graph_t *g,char const *base, char const *treename, uint8_t action)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -715,9 +642,10 @@ void tree_enable_disable(graph_t *g, char const *base, char const *treename, uin
     resolve_tree_t tres = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
     resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE, &tres) ;
-    uint8_t disen = tree_isenabled(base, treename) ;
-    if (disen < 0)
-        log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve file of: ", treename) ;
+    if (resolve_read_g(wres, base, treename) <= 0)
+        log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve file of: ", treename) ;
+    uint8_t disen = tres.enabled ;
     if ((disen && !action) || (!disen && action)){
@@ -728,8 +656,11 @@ void tree_enable_disable(graph_t *g, char const *base, char const *treename, uin
             return ;
+        tres.enabled = action ;
+        if (!resolve_write_g(wres, base, treename))
+            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "write resolve file of: ", treename) ;
         tree_enable_disable_deps(g, base, treename, action) ;
-        tree_master_enable_disable(base, treename, action) ;
         log_info(!action ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"," successfully tree: ", treename) ;
@@ -1098,6 +1029,7 @@ void tree_clone(char const *clone, ssexec_t *info)
         !resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_SUPERVISED, 0) ||
         !resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_CONTENTS, "") ||
         !resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_NCONTENTS, 0) ||
+        !resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_ENABLED, 0) ||
         !resolve_modify_field(wres, E_RESOLVE_TREE_NAME, clone))
             log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "modify resolve file of tree: ", clone) ;
@@ -1124,6 +1056,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_admin(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     char oldtree[SS_MAX_TREENAME + 1] ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
     graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
+    struct resolve_hash_tree_s *htres = NULL ;
     tree_what_t what = what_init() ;
@@ -1243,7 +1176,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_admin(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     if (!r && what.remove)
         log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"find tree: ", info->treename.s) ;
-    graph_build_tree(&graph, info->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
+    graph_build_tree(&graph, &htres, info->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
     if (what.remove) {
         tree_remove(&graph, info->base.s, info->treename.s, info) ;
@@ -1313,6 +1246,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_admin(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
         stralloc_free(&sa) ;
         graph_free_all(&graph) ;
+        hash_free_tree(&htres) ;
     return 0 ;
diff --git a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_resolve.c b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_resolve.c
index 28951a15c7f27a3af4be93ddb06f33a5ce92defc..0e59b2000f012e4cf74654580340d7e4a76b06e9 100644
--- a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_resolve.c
+++ b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_resolve.c
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 #include <66/config.h>
 #include <66/state.h>
-#define MAXOPTS 16
+#define MAXOPTS 17
 static wchar_t const field_suffix[] = L" :" ;
 static char fields[INFO_NKEY][INFO_FIELD_MAXLEN] = {{ 0 }} ;
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_resolve(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     char tree_buf[MAXOPTS][INFO_FIELD_MAXLEN] = {
+        "enabled",
         "depends" ,
@@ -107,9 +108,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_resolve(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
         //"init" ,
         //"supervised", // 13
         // Master
-        "enabled",
-        "nenabled",
     } ;
     if (!strcmp(argv[0], SS_MASTER + 1)) {
@@ -140,6 +139,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_resolve(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
         unsigned int m = 0 ;
         info_display_string(fields[m++], tres.sa.s, tres.name, 0) ;
+        info_display_int(fields[m++], tres.enabled) ;
         info_display_string(fields[m++], tres.sa.s, tres.depends, 1) ;
         info_display_string(fields[m++], tres.sa.s, tres.requiredby, 1) ;
         info_display_string(fields[m++], tres.sa.s, tres.allow, 1) ;
@@ -156,13 +156,11 @@ int ssexec_tree_resolve(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     } else {
         info_display_string(fields[0], mres.sa.s, mres.name, 1) ;
-        info_display_string(fields[3], mres.sa.s, mres.allow, 1) ;
-        info_display_string(fields[11], mres.sa.s, mres.enabled, 1) ;
+        info_display_string(fields[4], mres.sa.s, mres.allow, 1) ;
         info_display_string(fields[12], mres.sa.s, mres.current, 1) ;
-        info_display_string(fields[5], mres.sa.s, mres.contents, 1) ;
-        info_display_int(fields[8], mres.nallow) ;
-        info_display_int(fields[13], mres.nenabled) ;
-        info_display_int(fields[10], mres.ncontents) ;
+        info_display_string(fields[6], mres.sa.s, mres.contents, 1) ;
+        info_display_int(fields[9], mres.nallow) ;
+        info_display_int(fields[11], mres.ncontents) ;
     resolve_free(wres) ;
diff --git a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_signal.c b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_signal.c
index d5407bd450946622a8d979e8b9ccb7831526ed12..d982fe380d464b755f6fdf202424b41c2e1fa214 100644
--- a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_signal.c
+++ b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_signal.c
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@
 static unsigned int napid = 0 ;
 static unsigned int npid = 0 ;
-static resolve_tree_t_ref pares = 0 ;
-static unsigned int *pareslen = 0 ;
 static uint8_t reloadmsg = 0 ;
 typedef struct pidtree_s pidtree_t, *pidtree_t_ref ;
@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ struct pidtree_s
     int pipe[2] ;
     pid_t pid ;
-    int aresid ; // id at array ares
+    resolve_tree_t *tres ; // id at array ares
     unsigned int vertex ; // id at graph_hash_t struct
     uint8_t state ;
     int nedge ;
@@ -80,7 +78,17 @@ struct pidtree_s
      * to notify when a tree is started/stopped */
     unsigned int notif[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
 } ;
-#define PIDTREE_ZERO { { -1, -1 }, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, { 0 } }
+#define PIDTREE_ZERO { \
+    .pipe[0] = -1, \
+    .pipe[1] = -1, \
+    .tres = NULL, \
+    .vertex = -1, \
+    .state = 0, \
+    .nedge =  0, \
+    .edge = { 0 }, \
+    .nnotif = 0, \
+    .notif = { 0 } \
 typedef enum fifo_e fifo_t, *fifo_t_ref ;
 enum fifo_e
@@ -186,15 +194,6 @@ static void all_redir_fd(void)
     umask(022) ;
-void tree_resolve_array_free(resolve_tree_t *ares, unsigned int areslen)
-    log_flow() ;
-    unsigned int pos = 0 ;
-    for (; pos < areslen ; pos++)
-        stralloc_free(&ares[pos].sa) ;
 static inline void kill_all(pidtree_t *apidt)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -217,21 +216,6 @@ static pidtree_t pidtree_init(unsigned int len)
     return pids ;
-static int pidtree_get_id(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int id)
-    log_flow() ;
-    unsigned int pos = 0 ;
-    for (; pos < napid ; pos++) {
-        if (apidt[pos].vertex == id)
-            return (unsigned int) pos ;
-    }
-    return -1 ;
 static void notify(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int pos, char const *sig, unsigned int what)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -246,16 +230,16 @@ static void notify(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int pos, char const *sig, unsigned
             if (apidt[pos].notif[i] == apidt[idx].vertex && !FLAGS_ISSET(apidt[idx].state, flag))  {
-                size_t nlen = uint_fmt(fmt, apidt[pos].aresid) ;
+                size_t nlen = uint_fmt(fmt, pos) ;
                 fmt[nlen] = 0 ;
                 size_t len = nlen + 1 + 2 ;
                 char s[len + 1] ;
                 auto_strings(s, fmt, ":", sig, "@") ;
-                log_trace("sends notification ", sig, " to: ", pares[apidt[idx].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[idx].aresid].name, " from: ", pares[apidt[pos].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[pos].aresid].name) ;
+                log_trace("sends notification ", sig, " to: ", apidt[idx].tres->sa.s + apidt[idx].tres->name, " from: ", apidt[pos].tres->sa.s + apidt[pos].tres->name) ;
                 if (write(apidt[idx].pipe[1], s, strlen(s)) < 0)
-                    log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "send notif to: ", pares[apidt[idx].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[idx].aresid].name) ;
+                    log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "send notif to: ", apidt[idx].tres->sa.s + apidt[idx].tres->name) ;
@@ -270,37 +254,34 @@ static void announce(unsigned int pos, pidtree_t *apidt, char const *base, unsig
     log_flow() ;
     char fmt[UINT_FMT] ;
-    char const *treename = pares[apidt[pos].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[pos].aresid].name ;
-    resolve_tree_t tres = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
-    resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE, &tres) ;
+    char const *treename = apidt[pos].tres->sa.s + apidt[pos].tres->name ;
     uint8_t flag = what ? FLAGS_DOWN : FLAGS_UP ;
     if (success) {
-        notify(apidt, pos, "F", what) ;
         fmt[uint_fmt(fmt, exitcode)] = 0 ;
         log_1_warnu(reloadmsg == 0 ? "start" : reloadmsg > 1 ? "unsupervise" : what == 0 ? "start" : "stop", " tree: ", treename, " -- exited with signal: ", fmt) ;
+        notify(apidt, pos, "F", what) ;
         FLAGS_SET(apidt[pos].state, FLAGS_BLOCK|FLAGS_FATAL) ;
     } else {
+        log_info("Successfully ", reloadmsg == 0 ? "started" : reloadmsg > 1 ? "unsupervised" : what == 0 ? "started" : "stopped", " tree: ", treename) ;
         notify(apidt, pos, what ? "D" : "U", what) ;
         FLAGS_CLEAR(apidt[pos].state, FLAGS_BLOCK) ;
         FLAGS_SET(apidt[pos].state, flag|FLAGS_UNBLOCK) ;
-        log_info("Successfully ", reloadmsg == 0 ? "started" : reloadmsg > 1 ? "unsupervised" : what == 0 ? "started" : "stopped", " tree: ", treename) ;
-    resolve_free(wres) ;
-static void pidtree_init_array(unsigned int *list, unsigned int listlen, pidtree_t *apidt, graph_t *g, resolve_tree_t *ares, unsigned int areslen, ssexec_t *info, uint8_t requiredby, uint8_t what)
+static void pidtree_init_array(unsigned int *list, unsigned int listlen, pidtree_t *apidt, graph_t *g, struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, ssexec_t *info, uint8_t requiredby, uint8_t what)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -312,10 +293,11 @@ static void pidtree_init_array(unsigned int *list, unsigned int listlen, pidtree
         char *name = g->data.s + genalloc_s(graph_hash_t,&g->hash)[list[pos]].vertex ;
-        pids.aresid = tree_resolve_array_search(ares, areslen, name) ;
+        struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash = hash_search_tree(htres, name) ;
+        if (hash == NULL)
+            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"find hash id of: ", name, " -- please make a bug report") ;
-        if (pids.aresid < 0)
-            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"find ares id of: ", name, " -- please make a bug report") ;
+        pids.tres = &hash->tres ;
         pids.nedge = graph_matrix_get_edge_g_sorted_list(pids.edge, g, name, requiredby, 1) ;
@@ -380,17 +362,16 @@ static int handle_signal(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, ss
                         if (!WIFSIGNALED(wstat) && !WEXITSTATUS(wstat)) {
                             announce(pos, apidt, info->base.s, what, 0, 0) ;
+                            npid-- ;
                         } else {
                             ok = WIFSIGNALED(wstat) ? WTERMSIG(wstat) : WEXITSTATUS(wstat) ;
                             announce(pos, apidt, info->base.s, what, 1, ok) ;
+                            npid-- ;
                             kill_all(apidt) ;
                             break ;
-                        npid-- ;
                 break ;
@@ -399,7 +380,7 @@ static int handle_signal(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, ss
             case SIGINT :
                     log_1_warn("aborting transaction") ;
                     kill_all(apidt) ;
-                    ok = 110 ;
+                    ok = 111 ;
                     break ;
             default : log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "unexpected data in selfpipe") ;
@@ -424,6 +405,7 @@ static uint32_t compute_timeout (uint32_t timeout, tain *deadline)
   return t ;
 static int ssexec_callback(stralloc *sa, ssexec_t *info, unsigned int what)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -578,12 +560,12 @@ static int check_action(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int pos, unsigned int receive
-static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *info, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline)
+static int async_deps(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *info, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline)
     log_flow() ;
     int r ;
-    unsigned int pos = 0, id = 0, ilog = 0, idx = 0 ;
+    unsigned int pos = 0, id = 0, idx = 0 ;
     char buf[(UINT_FMT*2)*SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
     tain dead ;
@@ -606,7 +588,7 @@ static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexe
         if (!r) {
             errno = ETIMEDOUT ;
-            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"time out", pares[apidt[i].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[i].aresid].name) ;
+            log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"time out", apidt[i].tres->sa.s + apidt[i].tres->name) ;
         if (x.revents & IOPAUSE_READ) {
@@ -638,7 +620,7 @@ static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexe
                  * the received string have the format:
-                 *      index_of_the_ares_array_of_the_tree_dependency:signal_receive
+                 *      apids_array_id:signal_receive
                  * typically:
                  *      - 10:D
@@ -657,9 +639,7 @@ static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexe
                 if (!uint0_scan(line, &id))
                     log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "retrieve service number -- please make a bug report") ;
-                ilog = id ;
-                log_trace(pares[apidt[i].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[i].aresid].name, " acknowledges: ", pc, " from: ", pares[ilog].sa.s + pares[ilog].name) ;
+                log_trace(apidt[i].tres->sa.s + apidt[i].tres->name, " acknowledges: ", pc, " from: ", apidt[id].tres->sa.s + apidt[id].tres->name) ;
                 if (!visit[pos]) {
@@ -669,7 +649,7 @@ static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexe
                     id = check_action(apidt, id, c, what) ;
                     if (id < 0)
-                        log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "tree dependency: ", pares[ilog].sa.s + pares[ilog].name, " of: ", pares[apidt[i].aresid].sa.s + pares[apidt[i].aresid].name," crashed") ;
+                        log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "tree dependency: ", apidt[id].tres->sa.s + apidt[id].tres->name, " of: ", apidt[id].tres->sa.s + apidt[id].tres->name," crashed") ;
                     if (!id)
                         continue ;
@@ -685,7 +665,7 @@ static int async_deps(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexe
     return 1 ;
-static int async(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *info, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline)
+static int async(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *info, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -705,7 +685,7 @@ static int async(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *
             FLAGS_SET(apidt[i].state, FLAGS_BLOCK) ;
             if (apidt[i].nedge)
-                if (!async_deps(apidt, i, what, info, graph, deadline))
+                if (!async_deps(htres, apidt, i, what, info, graph, deadline))
                     log_warnu_return(LOG_EXIT_ZERO, !what ? "start" : "stop", " dependencies of tree: ", name) ;
             e = doit(name, info, what, deadline) ;
@@ -728,7 +708,7 @@ static int async(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int i, unsigned int what, ssexec_t *
     return e ;
-static int waitit(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline, ssexec_t *info)
+static int waitit(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, tain *deadline, ssexec_t *info)
     log_flow() ;
@@ -753,7 +733,6 @@ static int waitit(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, tain *dea
             log_dieusys(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "selfpipe_trap") ;
     iopause_fd x = { .fd = spfd, .events = IOPAUSE_READ, .revents = 0 } ;
     for (; pos < napid ; pos++) {
@@ -778,7 +757,7 @@ static int waitit(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, tain *dea
             close(apidtree[pos].pipe[1]) ;
-            e = async(apidtree, pos, what, info, graph, deadline) ;
+            e = async(htres, apidtree, pos, what, info, graph, deadline) ;
             goto end ;
@@ -810,31 +789,56 @@ static int waitit(pidtree_t *apidt, unsigned int what, graph_t *graph, tain *dea
     selfpipe_finish() ;
-    end:
-        for (pos = 0 ; pos < napid ; pos++) {
-            close(apidtree[pos].pipe[1]) ;
-            close(apidtree[pos].pipe[0]) ;
-        }
+    for (pos = 0 ; pos < napid ; pos++) {
+        close(apidtree[pos].pipe[1]) ;
+        close(apidtree[pos].pipe[0]) ;
+    }
+    end:
         return e ;
+static void compute_visit_tree(char const *treename, unsigned int *visit, unsigned int *list, graph_t *graph, unsigned int *ntree, uint8_t requiredby)
+    log_flow() ;
+    unsigned int l[graph->mlen], c = 0, pos = 0, idx = 0 ;
+    idx = graph_hash_vertex_get_id(graph, treename) ;
+    if (!visit[idx]) {
+        /** avoid double entry */
+        list[(*ntree)++] = idx ;
+        visit[idx] = 1 ;
+    }
+    /** find dependencies of the tree from the graph, do it recursively */
+    c = graph_matrix_get_edge_g_sorted_list(l, graph, treename, requiredby, 1) ;
+    /** append to the list to deal with */
+    for (; pos < c ; pos++) {
+        if (!visit[l[pos]]) {
+            list[(*ntree)++] = l[pos] ;
+            visit[l[pos]] = 1 ;
+        }
+    }
 int ssexec_tree_signal(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     log_flow() ;
     int r, shut = 0, fd ;
     tain deadline ;
-    uint8_t what = 0, requiredby = 0, found = 0 ;
+    uint8_t what = 0, requiredby = 0 ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
     size_t pos = 0 ;
-    unsigned int areslen = 0, list[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1], visit[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
-    resolve_tree_t ares[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
-    resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = 0 ;
+    struct resolve_hash_tree_s *htres = NULL ;
+    unsigned int list[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1], visit[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
     graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
     memset(list, 0, (SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int)) ;
@@ -881,7 +885,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_signal(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     if ((svc_scandir_ok(info->scandir.s)) <= 0)
         log_die(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"scandir: ", info->scandir.s," is not running") ;
-    graph_build_tree(&graph, info->base.s, !info->treename.len ? E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_ENABLED : E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
+    graph_build_tree(&graph, &htres, info->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
     if (!graph.mlen)
         log_die(LOG_EXIT_USER, "trees selection is not created -- creates at least one tree") ;
@@ -889,73 +893,39 @@ int ssexec_tree_signal(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     if (!graph_matrix_sort_tosa(&sa, &graph))
         log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "get list of trees for graph -- please make a bug report") ;
-    FOREACH_SASTR(&sa, pos) {
-        char *treename = sa.s + pos ;
-        /** only one tree */
-        if (info->treename.len) {
-            if (!strcmp(info->treename.s, treename))
-                found = 1 ;
-            else continue ;
-        }
-        if (tree_resolve_array_search(ares, areslen, treename) < 0) {
-            resolve_tree_t tres = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
-            /** need to make a copy of the resolve due of the freed
-             * of the wres struct at the end of the process */
-            resolve_tree_t cp = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
-            wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE, &tres) ;
+    /** only one tree */
-            if (resolve_read_g(wres, info->base.s, treename) <= 0)
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve file of: ", treename, " -- please make a bug report") ;
+    if (info->treename.len) {
-            tree_resolve_copy(&cp, &tres) ;
+        struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash = hash_search_tree(&htres, info->treename.s) ;
+        if (hash == NULL)
+            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"find hash id of: ", info->treename.s, " -- please make a bug report") ;
-            ares[areslen++] = cp ;
+        compute_visit_tree(info->treename.s, visit, list, &graph, &napid, requiredby) ;
-            resolve_free(wres) ;
-        }
-        unsigned int l[graph.mlen], c = 0, pos = 0, idx = 0 ;
-        idx = graph_hash_vertex_get_id(&graph, treename) ;
+    } else {
-        if (!visit[idx]) {
-            /** avoid double entry */
-            list[napid++] = idx ;
-            visit[idx] = 1 ;
+        FOREACH_SASTR(&sa, pos) {
-        }
+            char *treename = sa.s + pos ;
+            struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash = hash_search_tree(&htres, treename) ;
-        /** find dependencies of the tree from the graph, do it recursively */
-        c = graph_matrix_get_edge_g_sorted_list(l, &graph, treename, requiredby, 1) ;
+            if (hash == NULL)
+                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS,"find hash id of: ", treename, " -- please make a bug report") ;
-        /** append to the list to deal with */
-        for (; pos < c ; pos++) {
-            if (!visit[l[pos]]) {
-                list[napid++] = l[pos] ;
-                visit[l[pos]] = 1 ;
-            }
+            if (hash->tres.enabled)
+                compute_visit_tree(treename, visit, list, &graph, &napid, requiredby) ;
-        if (found)
-            break ;
     pidtree_t apidt[graph.mlen] ;
-    pares = ares ;
-    pareslen = &areslen ;
     if (!napid) {
         r = 0 ;
         goto end ;
-    pidtree_init_array(list, napid, apidt, &graph, ares, areslen, info, requiredby, what) ;
+    pidtree_init_array(list, napid, apidt, &graph, &htres, info, requiredby, what) ;
     if (shut) {
@@ -985,7 +955,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_signal(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
-    r = waitit(apidt, what, &graph, &deadline, info) ;
+    r = waitit(&htres, apidt, what, &graph, &deadline, info) ;
@@ -1003,7 +973,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_signal(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
         graph_free_all(&graph) ;
         stralloc_free(&sa) ;
-        tree_resolve_array_free(ares, areslen) ;
+        hash_free_tree(&htres) ;
         return r ;
diff --git a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_status.c b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_status.c
index 8e646dd8036fcc2260fe511d61f601de6023cfc9..7689c9ccee6192cfd87f377286d92814eddd718c 100644
--- a/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_status.c
+++ b/src/lib66/exec/ssexec_tree_status.c
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include <66/graph.h>
 #include <66/ssexec.h>
 #include <66/state.h>
+#include <66/hash.h>
 static unsigned int REVERSE = 0 ;
 static unsigned int NOFIELD = 1 ;
@@ -231,11 +232,12 @@ static void info_display_depends(char const *field, char const *treename)
     size_t padding = 1 ;
     graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
+    struct resolve_hash_tree_s *htres = NULL ;
     if (NOFIELD) padding = info_display_field_name(field) ;
     else { field = 0 ; padding = 0 ; }
-    graph_build_tree(&graph, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
+    graph_build_tree(&graph, &htres, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
     r = graph_matrix_get_edge_g_sorted_sa(&sa, &graph, treename, 0, 0) ;
     if (r < 0)
@@ -283,6 +285,7 @@ static void info_display_depends(char const *field, char const *treename)
         graph_free_all(&graph) ;
         stralloc_free(&sa) ;
+        hash_free_tree(&htres) ;
 static void info_display_requiredby(char const *field, char const *treename)
@@ -291,11 +294,12 @@ static void info_display_requiredby(char const *field, char const *treename)
     size_t padding = 1 ;
     graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
+    struct resolve_hash_tree_s *htres = NULL ;
     if (NOFIELD) padding = info_display_field_name(field) ;
     else { field = 0 ; padding = 0 ; }
-    graph_build_tree(&graph, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
+    graph_build_tree(&graph, &htres, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
     r = graph_matrix_get_edge_g_sorted_sa(&sa, &graph, treename, 1, 0) ;
     if (r < 0)
@@ -345,6 +349,7 @@ static void info_display_requiredby(char const *field, char const *treename)
         graph_free_all(&graph) ;
         stralloc_free(&sa) ;
+        hash_free_tree(&htres) ;
 static void info_display_contents(char const *field, char const *treename)
@@ -354,10 +359,7 @@ static void info_display_contents(char const *field, char const *treename)
     graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
-    unsigned int areslen = 0 ;
-    resolve_service_t ares[SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1] ;
-    memset(ares, 0, (SS_MAX_SERVICE + 1) * sizeof(resolve_service_t)) ;
+    struct resolve_hash_s *hres = NULL ;
     if (NOFIELD) padding = info_display_field_name(field) ;
     else { field = 0 ; padding = 0 ; }
@@ -368,9 +370,9 @@ static void info_display_contents(char const *field, char const *treename)
     if (!sa.len)
         goto empty ;
-    service_graph_g(sa.s, sa.len, &graph, ares, &areslen, pinfo, STATE_FLAGS_TOPROPAGATE|STATE_FLAGS_WANTUP) ;
+    service_graph_g_hash(sa.s, sa.len, &graph, &hres, pinfo, STATE_FLAGS_TOPROPAGATE|STATE_FLAGS_WANTUP) ;
-    if (!areslen)
+    if (!HASH_COUNT(hres))
         goto empty ;
     if (GRAPH) {
@@ -414,6 +416,7 @@ static void info_display_contents(char const *field, char const *treename)
         graph_free_all(&graph) ;
+        hash_free(&hres) ;
         stralloc_free(&sa) ;
@@ -464,6 +467,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_status(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     size_t pos = 0 ;
     int what[MAXOPTS] = { 0 } ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
+    struct resolve_hash_tree_s *htres = NULL ;
     pinfo = info ;
@@ -548,7 +552,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_status(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
         graph_t graph = GRAPH_ZERO ;
-        graph_build_tree(&graph, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
+        graph_build_tree(&graph, &htres, pinfo->base.s, E_RESOLVE_TREE_MASTER_CONTENTS) ;
         if (!graph_matrix_sort_tosa(&sa, &graph))
             log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "get the sorted list of trees") ;
@@ -579,6 +583,7 @@ int ssexec_tree_status(int argc, char const *const *argv, ssexec_t *info)
     stralloc_free(&sa) ;
+    hash_free_tree(&htres) ;
     return 0 ;
diff --git a/src/lib66/graph/graph_build_tree.c b/src/lib66/graph/graph_build_tree.c
index 2352e5ac978ac03b27e6c0067eb12f414873f9cb..b1b5fd26cbc828bcaed7cfeda220efd693ced868 100644
--- a/src/lib66/graph/graph_build_tree.c
+++ b/src/lib66/graph/graph_build_tree.c
@@ -27,15 +27,12 @@
 #include <66/tree.h>
 #include <66/graph.h>
-void graph_build_tree(graph_t *g, char const *base, resolve_tree_master_enum_t field)
+void graph_build_tree(graph_t *g, struct resolve_hash_tree_s **htres, char const *base, resolve_tree_master_enum_t field)
     log_flow() ;
     size_t pos = 0 ;
     stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
-    resolve_tree_t tres = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
-    resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE, &tres) ;
     if (!resolve_get_field_tosa_g(&sa, base, SS_MASTER + 1, DATA_TREE_MASTER, field))
         log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "get resolve Master file of trees") ;
@@ -43,20 +40,33 @@ void graph_build_tree(graph_t *g, char const *base, resolve_tree_master_enum_t f
     FOREACH_SASTR(&sa, pos) {
         char *name = sa.s + pos ;
+        struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash = hash_search_tree(htres, name) ;
+        if (hash == NULL) {
+            resolve_tree_t tres = RESOLVE_TREE_ZERO ;
+            resolve_wrapper_t_ref wres = resolve_set_struct(DATA_TREE, &tres) ;
+            if (resolve_read_g(wres, base, name) <= 0)
+                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve file of: ", name) ;
+            if (!graph_vertex_add(g, name))
+                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "add vertex of: ", name) ;
-        if (resolve_read_g(wres, base, name) <= 0)
-            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "read resolve file of: ", name) ;
+            if (tres.ndepends)
+                if (!graph_compute_dependencies(g, name, tres.sa.s + tres.depends, 0))
+                    log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "compute dependencies of: ", name) ;
-        if (!graph_vertex_add(g, name))
-            log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "add vertex of: ", name) ;
+            if (tres.nrequiredby)
+                if (!graph_compute_dependencies(g, name, tres.sa.s + tres.requiredby, 1))
+                    log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "compute requiredby of: ", name) ;
-        if (tres.ndepends)
-            if (!graph_compute_dependencies(g, name, tres.sa.s + tres.depends, 0))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "compute dependencies of: ", name) ;
+            log_trace("add tree: ", name, " to the graph selection") ;
+            if (!hash_add_tree(htres, name, tres))
+                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "append graph selection with: ", name) ;
-        if (tres.nrequiredby)
-            if (!graph_compute_dependencies(g, name, tres.sa.s + tres.requiredby, 1))
-                log_dieu(LOG_EXIT_SYS, "compute requiredby of: ", name) ;
+            free(wres) ;
+        }
     if (!graph_matrix_build(g))
diff --git a/src/lib66/tree/deps-lib/deps b/src/lib66/tree/deps-lib/deps
index 14b667336b552e905eac4fc1858254695aa0ce9f..773caac76e8d97c156fa19ee2416b985ff09a2db 100644
--- a/src/lib66/tree/deps-lib/deps
+++ b/src/lib66/tree/deps-lib/deps
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/src/lib66/tree/tree_hash.c b/src/lib66/tree/tree_hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63451e6faa42602e2c8f852635386439fba351d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib66/tree/tree_hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * tree_hash.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org>
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in
+ * the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
+ * distribution.
+ * This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
+ * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file./
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <oblibs/log.h>
+#include <oblibs/string.h>
+#include <66/tree.h>
+#include <66/hash.h>
+#include <66/resolve.h>
+int hash_add_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash, char const *name, resolve_tree_t res)
+    log_flow() ;
+	struct resolve_hash_tree_s *s ;
+	s = (struct resolve_hash_tree_s *)malloc(sizeof(*s));
+	if (s == NULL)
+		return 0 ;
+	memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)) ;
+	s->visit = 0 ;
+	auto_strings(s->name, name) ;
+	s->tres = res ;
+	HASH_ADD_STR(*hash, name, s) ;
+	return 1 ;
+struct resolve_hash_tree_s *hash_search_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash, char const *name)
+    log_flow() ;
+	struct resolve_hash_tree_s *s ;
+	HASH_FIND_STR(*hash, name, s) ;
+	return s ;
+int hash_count_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash)
+	return HASH_COUNT(*hash) ;
+void hash_free_tree(struct resolve_hash_tree_s **hash)
+    log_flow() ;
+	struct resolve_hash_tree_s *c, *tmp ;
+	HASH_ITER(hh, *hash, c, tmp) {
+		stralloc_free(&c->tres.sa) ;
+		HASH_DEL(*hash, c) ;
+		free(c) ;
+	}
diff --git a/src/lib66/tree/tree_resolve_array_search.c b/src/lib66/tree/tree_resolve_array_search.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 67177e780dc7c6a7e0732fd9015f7b01a15180af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib66/tree/tree_resolve_array_search.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * tree_resolve_array_search.c
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Eric Vidal <eric@obarun.org>
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in
- * the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution.
- * This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
- * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file./
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <oblibs/log.h>
-#include <66/tree.h>
-int tree_resolve_array_search(resolve_tree_t *ares, unsigned int areslen, char const *name)
-    log_flow() ;
-    unsigned int pos = 0 ;
-    for (; pos < areslen ; pos++) {
-        char const *n = ares[pos].sa.s + ares[pos].name ;
-            if (!strcmp(name, n))
-                return pos ;
-    }
-    return -1 ;