# Changelog for boot-user-66serv


# In 0.4.2

- Convenient release to udpate dependencies:
	- 66 v0.5.1.0
	- 66-tools v0.0.6.2
	- scandir-66serv v0.2.1
	- optional dependencies:
		* console-tracker-66serv v0.2.1
		* display-manager-66serv v0.2.1


# In 0.4.1

- Bugs fix:
	- .xinitrc: set the correct value to the variable to export


# In 0.4.0

- Adapt to 66 and 66-tools
- Respect color set at *66-enable*.


# In 0.3.0

- Pass to new module format


# In 0.2.1

-Bugs fix


# In 0.1.0

- Bugs fix.


# In 0.0.1

- first commit.