Modules name: - boot-user-@ Version: - 0.0.1 Description: - This module configure a set of services for an <user> to properly deal with Display Manager(a.k.a DM). Module dependencies: - none Optional module dependencies: - none Service Dependencies: - none Optional service dependencies: - sddm-66serv - dbus-66serv Package dependencies: - none Optional package dependencies: - consolekit - sddm - dbus ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation directive: # 66-mods boot-user-@<user> # 66-enable boot-user-<user> - If you use consolekit do not enable it daemon. It should be launched by the daemon of the DM directly. Oherwise, conflicts can occur between the DM daemon and consolekit daemon. - Dbus and dbus-session-@: - dbus daemon should be enabled and up before starting the module on a root tree. - dbus-session-<user> should be enabled on a <user> tree. It will be brought up at the start of the session. Note: .xinitrc file execute an JWM session by default. Edit it to suit your needs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installed file: - ${HOME}/.xsession file. An already existing file is renamed to ${HOME}/.xsession.bak. - ${HOME}/.xinitrc file. An already existing file is renamad to ${HOME}/.xinitrc.bak. Service: - All-<user> - mount-run-<user> - setenv-<user> - scandir-<user> Runtime: - It mount /run/user/<uid> of user if doesn't exist. - It define well-know variable and write it at ${HOME}/.66/conf/boot-user-<user>.conf (see below). - It create a scandir as <user> as owner merging the environment of ${HOME}/.66/conf/boot-user-<user>.conf and start it. Example of ${HOME}/.66/conf/boot-user-<user>.conf file: HOME=/home/obarun LOGNAME=obarun PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 XDG_CACHE_HOME=/home/obarun/.cache XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/obarun/.config XDG_DATA_HOME=/home/obarun/.local/share XDG_DATA_DIRS=/home/obarun/.local/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user